American IVF experts answer

What's the IVF

  In Vitro Fertilization-Embryo Transform (IVF-ET), also known as the first generation of IVF. Refers to the egg and sperm were removed from the human body, respectively, in vitro fertilization, developed into embryos, then the embryos were transferred back to the mother's womb in order to achieve the purpose of pregnancy. In 1978, the world's first test-tube baby was born. So far, tens of thousands of test-tube babies are born in the world each year.

How to give birth to a test tube baby?

IVF can be divided into four steps: ovulation - oocyte - in vitro fertilization and embryo culture - embryo transfer


  Women will raise a group of follicles early each menstrual cycle, said antral follicles. Under normal circumstances, this group of only a sinus follicle can mature and discharge eggs, the other antral follicles atresia, egg apoptosis. During the IVF cycle, all ovarian follicles in the menstrual cycle are caused to grow into mature follicles by pro-ovulation drugs. From the first menstrual 2-5 days, the daily injection of anti-drug, a total of about 11 days, during the promotion period to be dynamically monitored follicle size and blood hormone levels.

2.Take eggs

  To be follicular size and hormone levels up to a certain standard, the need for a single injection of HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) 10,000 units, 36 hours after ovulation. Intravenous anesthesia transvaginal ultrasound guided puncture ovulation, the operation time 10-20 minutes, trauma, the end of surgery can wake up, observe 2 hours after free movement, without hospitalization does not affect the routine daily life, while taking male fetching masturbation fine.

3.In vitro fertilization and embryo culture

  Eggs removed immediately sent to the embryo laboratory, fertilized by an embryo egg fertilization, fertilization after 3-5 days to form embryos.

4.Embryo Transfer

  After the embryo is cultured, the best 2-3 embryos are selected according to the morphology of the embryo and transplanted into the uterus through the graft. Every day, the progesterone is injected after the transplantation. HCG is determined 14 days after the transplantation to determine whether biochemical pregnancy, such as pregnancy, need injection Twelve weeks pregnant. Generally measured 4 weeks after transplantation fetal heart rate, determine intrauterine live births.

US test-tube success rate by what factors?

(1)The quality of the egg: the younger the woman, the better the quality of the egg, for example: the stronger the vitality; on the contrary, the older the woman, the poorer the egg quality. Over age 35, egg quality begins to deteriorate, with a success rate of less than 50% over the age of 38, a discount of 50% off, a 40% success rate of over 30% of young adults.

(2)Endometrial quality: the endometrium is where the embryo sleeps, endometrial thick enough, rich in blood flow and cell division is good, will increase the embryo implantation rate, contrast the endometrial thin, inadequate blood flow, hormone secretion Lack of endometrium, the embryo is not easy to implant. When the embryo is implanted, the uterus may contract and sometimes the embryo will be pushed into the fallopian tube and become an ectopic pregnancy, at a rate of up to 57%. Therefore, the implantation of the embryo after adequate bed rest, and supplementation of enough progesterone to increase the implantation rate to reduce the rate of external pregnancy.

(3)Semen quality: the number of sperm and activity, can determine the situation of fertilization of eggs, if the number of sperm per cc of sperm, 10 million or less than 30% activity, it will be recommended to do IVF, if low At 5 million per cc or with less than 20% activity, it is advisable to be a IVF and not suitable for artificial insemination; ICSI should be done if there is less than one million cc or less than 10% Sperm microinjection) IVF.

(4)Embryo implantation surgery is one of the most important requirements for IVF success. Proper placement of the embryo in an easily implantable location can easily increase the success rate. Some of the fallopian tubes are good for embryo culture, and placing sperm, eggs or embryos in fallopian tubes increases the success rate of IVF.

(5)Quality of the embryo: The quality of the embryo is an important factor in the success rate of IVF. A good embryo is easy to succeed and a bad embryo is not easy to succeed. So, high quality embryos have a pregnancy rate of 70% -80%. Of course, implanting more embryos is more likely to succeed, but it also increases the risk of multiple births. Good embryos come from good eggs, good sperm and a stable laboratory culture system.

35-year-old female American IVF success rate?

  The success rate mainly depends on the age and physical condition of women, followed by the hospital doctors' technical level and laboratory environment. However, one thing is certain that under the same conditions, the overall success rate of IVF in the United States is higher than that in China.

  In ensuring the health of women, future generations, but also to meet the individual needs of the gender.

  Even through their own inability to conceive, legally-born children can still be assisted through third-party assisted reproductive in the United States, so the same-sex and AIDS-related issues of childbirth are also solved.

  The technology of test tube has also been continuously improved in China. However, there is still a long way to go to the technical level, clinical experience level, laboratory level level and fertility policy liberalization level.

What is the first, second and third generation IVF?

First Generation IVF (IVF-ET)

  In Vitro Fertilization-Embryo Transform (IVF-ET), also known as the first generation of IVF. Refers to the egg and sperm were removed from the human body, respectively, in vitro fertilization, developed into embryos, then the embryos were transferred back to the mother's womb in order to achieve the purpose of pregnancy. In 1978, the world's first test-tube baby was born. So far, tens of thousands of test-tube babies are born in the world each year.

Second Generation IVF (ICSI)

  Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), the second generation of IVF, is one of the most advanced assisted reproductive technologies. Using micromanipulation, sperm are injected into the cytoplasm of the egg, cultured in vitro to early embryos, and finally placed back into the womb of the mother to develop the implantation. Mainly for the treatment of severe oligozoospermia, weakness, abnormalities and unexplained infertility, is currently the treatment of male infertility the most effective way.

Third Generation IVF (PGD / PGS)

  Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) and Preimplantation Genetic Screening (PGS) are also called third generation IVF. On the basis of the first generation IVF or the second generation IVF, the embryos are biopsy after the embryos are cultured.